Thursday, March 13, 2014

I'll Pick Up the Tab

It's been one of those intervals--the kind where you wonder if you can do anything right. It's like those fun kid rides at theme parks where you feel like you're moving at break neck speeds, but actually you're standing still and the room is moving around you. You still experience the nausea and the thrill, but you haven't advanced. The world has moved, but you have not-- even though you still feel pooped at the end of the ride.

We've all had those times where we tromp through hurt and frustration of some fashion or another. Sometimes it is persevering through the sting of someone's inconsideration. Sometimes it is when another person misrepresents us to paint themselves in a brighter light. Othertimes, it's when you get passed over and become the second choice. It's really hard in these seasons to extend grace. It is especially hard when you're hurt. Oftentimes, those of us who are fixers want to "fix it", make it right or provide an explanations. We may even want to even the score.

The good news is this: Intervals like seasons don't last forever, and for Believers like myself, we can afford to forgive and extend grace even when we ourselves are empty, hurt or even wronged--even when we are "Stuck in Moment We Can't Get Out of" as U2 says. The even better news is that we have someone bigger and stronger and wiser and more capable (all the and's were intended) to take care of us. He is more than capable of righting the wrongs in our life. He is more than capable of restoring and redeeming anything that we've lost or should belong to us. Our favor is in His hands, not in anyone else's...not even in our own hands. So, we run to Him, because He has plans to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11) "...Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:68) "Whom have I in heaven but you. There is nothing on earth I desire beside you." (Psalm 75:25)

When you find yourself in a moment where you feel it necessary to defend yourself or to "fix IT", step back and reflect on what's to be gained? Is anyone else in charge of your favor? Your future? Your promotion? Is anyone else in charge of YOU? Is anyone in charge of any of this except God? This includes yourself and myself. Can I take care of me better than God? For the Christian, it always comes down to the question of faith. What do I believe? Who do I believe? Which report will I accept?

The world tell us that we must DO something. We must make it happen. We have to take care of ourselves or no one will. Well, for the Christian, this is not the case. In fact, to the degree that we do nothing in these situations is the degree we allow Him to handle it. It's the expression of our faith and our willingness to admit our vulnerability and His strength. It is our willingness or profess that we trust in His unfailing love. Doing nothing is doing everything. Jesus told Martha in all her laborings that Mary chose the better part, because Mary sat at Jesus' feet spending time with him rather than working to achieve something.  She allowed Him to "handle IT". He can handle our hurts, our short comings and our future with no problem. Afterall, if we can trust Him to be our righteousness, we can trust Him to be our everything else. The only thing we have been commanded to labor to do is to "labor to enter His rest" (Hebrews 4:11). So, even when we're weak or vulnerable we can still afford to extend grace, love and forgiveness that costs us something. We can allow another to go first while we go last, because the One Who loves us most will refill our tanks.  We can pick up the tab everytime! You can afford it! You'll find your account refilled everytime, and we can  "Let It Go" like Idina Menzel says.

As my sweet daddy used to say, "I have just preached myself happy, tonight, if no one else is." LOL! This is good advise tonight. I don't care who ya are!!

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