Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sometimes You Get to Fly the Coup

There he was so soft and gentle looking at me with those intense but muted eyes. He was a chocolate brown with a hint of purplish blue. His feathers were gorgeous, and around one of his delicate, pink ankles was a band that told his story. He was one of the prettiest pigeons I have ever seen. As I held him in my hands listening to his distinct pigeony coos, I was equally elated and perplexed. Elated because I love me some animals and perplexed because, "What in the world was I going to do with a bird?'

I received a phone call from one of my coworkers, who is about as animal crazy as I am, that a homing pigeon needed a home---ironic, huh? He was stranded on a playground where he couldn't fly, and it was a very cold snowy day. A teacher took him home for some respite and began nurturing him, feeding him and helping him regain his strength. All of her attempts to contact the owner had failed, so she was now his new caregiver. Unfortunately, the felines in her home were as intrigued with the pigeon as I was, but for different reasons, of course. So, this is where I came in.

I was to pick up the bird after I got off work on Friday and foster him until I could find him a home. Several times throughout that day, I thought of him. Where would I keep him? What should I feed him? How would he fare without another pigeon buddy? I said a prayer that God would direct my steps and take care of His little bird. I have never doubted that God is concerned about everything that concerns me. My love cost Him everything. Of course, he cares for a creature that He made and that I loved!

After some fanfair, fluttering and flapping, we got the pigeon into his little cage, and I began to proudly walk with my prize to the car. As I approached the car door, I heard a soft flutter of wings and immediately felt a gentle breeze behind my head. Before I knew it, I saw my pigeon soaring up, up, up above my head. We were all speechless. What in the world? We watched as he flew higher. We watched as he began making one circle after another high above our heads. He was getting his bearings. He was finding his way home. It was beautiful. The pigeon had found an opening in the cage and with perfect timing he made his getaway. The days he has spent confined in his cage provided the necessary healing he needed to again take to flight. It was truly beautiful. I could hear God speak deep in my heart as I watched this bird going home.

Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." We've all had seasons like this where we've had a promise delayed, a victory postponed, an answer detained. We've all wondered, "How much longer?", and it's hard!! I've heard it said that, it's the dressing room of life that is the hardest spot. This is where we wait patiently until our moment arrives. It is frustrating, aggravating and sometimes feels hopeless; but the dressing room is vital. This is where the crucial preparation takes place. This is where God generates in us the skills necessary to conquer our Goliath.

I've had those moments lately. I've had questions that need answers and hopes that are deferred. I've been trying learn patience in my time in the nest. I have been learning to gain strength--to rest--to not push too hard (which is against my nature...I'm a "do it now" kinda girl). God is teaching me to wait. While Martha was serving and frantically running to care for people. Mary was sitting at Jesus' feet taking it all in. You know the story. Martha was angry at carrying the load all by herself, and Jesus reminded Martha that the load was NEVER hers to carry. There is only "one thing that is needful" and Mary had chosen that (Luke 10:42). The ONE needful thing is to sit at His rest in His presence. Everything else in comparsion to this is superfluous, and it will line up and come to pass when we put Him first (Matthew 6: 33).

So, as I watched my pigeon soaring high above me and finding his way home, I couldn't help but silently cheer him on. I silently smiled as I thought of his pigeon family who would soon see him and for his owner who would regain a pet; but I also smiled for me and for others I know who like that pigeon are in the waiting room---the nest---a cage. I cheered for us as we, too, will find our way "home" to our moment to our realized hope. In the meantime, there is only ONE thing that is needful. It is the "good part". I'm enjoying sitting as His feet! Isn't He lovely! 


  1. I LOVE to read your musings, and I LOVE YOU Lisa Montgomery!!!

  2. I will have to get you to read Becky's facebook post about this bird too. It is so funny! I love how you can see God in the details!
