Through the years, Jamie has been my rock, my stability, my calm when life goes crazy. He is such a predictable man. I know him to his core, but others soon find out, too, that Jamie is the same in private as he is in public. I have never met anyone with more integrity. He eats the same foods, orders the same items at restaurants, buys the same clothes brands, uses the same shampoo and soap, keeps pretty much the same schedule. He isn't a complicated man. This used to drive me nuts! I wanted him to do something spontaneous or to color outside the lines. Who knew that twenty two years later the best thing about Jamie, for me, is his stability, his predictability and his steadfastness. Jamie is able to stay calm when things around us are falling apart. He is able to make you believe it will be okay even when it looks catastrophic. I have appreciated this so much the past few weeks. The day after my anniversary will be the one month anniversary of my dad's passing, and Jamie's strength has kept me afloat! He has held my hand while I fell asleep, he has held me until I could fall asleep, he has comforted me when I wake up in a panic at the thoughts of my dad being gone, he has been my shoulder to cry on and my buddy to laugh with throughout this process. The boy I married so long ago has become the most amazing man I have ever known.
It is true that opposites attract! Those who know Jamie and me would not agree more! He is my "You can do this, Lisa! You're stronger than you know", "Lisa, you're harder on you than anyone else is" and "How can you be so great and not know it! How can you not see YOU". I am his "Jamie, life doesn't always have to be lived at break neck speeds. Let's slow down. Let's smell the roses", "There doesn't have to be a reason, let's just do it, because it's fun!" and "Yes, we can make room for one more (insert whatever here)." He is the calm, the simple, the steady. I am the passion, the excitement the emotional. He is the head. I am the heart. This seems to be a pretty good team!
Happy Anniversary, Honey! Thanks for sticking with me through this crazy roller coaster ride of our life! All these years ago, when you were headed to Florida to pursue your master's degree and your love of music with your well laid out plan, I am thankful you saw something/someone that you wanted even more than this! Even 22 years later, I am still derailing you from your plans from time to time (when no one else in the world can), but I think you kinda like it sometimes! I love you with all my heart, and I am Truly in Love with You, too!
The song he played when he won my heart forever!